iPhone 7 Can�t be Turned Board Repair Troubleshooting
Machine model:iPhone 7
Malfunction: The mobile phone can�t be turned on.
Maintenance process:
Received aniPhone 7of no booting from the customermobile phone,DC power supply on the disassembling machine is large current, and large current is generally caused by VCC PP_BATT_VCC of battery or large current PP_VDD_MAIN with VCC or chip damage.
iPhone 7 Can�t be Turned Board Repair Troubleshooting Figure 1.
multimeter is measured as Short circuit at the end of PP_VDD_MAIN, and it is found that there is a damaged Capacitor beside the power supply under the microscope.
iPhone 7 Can�t be Turned Board Repair Troubleshooting Figure 2.
iPhone 7 Can�t be Turned Board Repair Troubleshooting Figure 3.
Buckle C1877 Capacitor, troubleshooting.
iPhone 7 Can�t be Turned Board Repair Troubleshooting Figure 4.
The boot test function is all right.
iPhone 7 Can�t be Turned Board Repair Troubleshooting Figure 5.
Here, the maintenance is over.